Monday, November 21, 2011

Junior Athletics

Last week we had our Junior Athletics at school. We did running races, frisbee throwing, shotput, long jump and an obstacle course. One of the Mums helped us with our shotput throwing.  A lot of parents came to watrch and cheer us on. We even had a tiger come to watch! It was a lot of fun. Take a look at our photos.

Room 1 Junior Athletics Day on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Basic words weeks 6 to 10

These are the basic words we are working on learning in weeks 6 to 10 this term. You can help at home by practising reading and writing these words until you know them all really well.
Maybe you could make up a set of cards with them at home and play games like memory or snap to help learn them.

Wordle: basic words term 3 wks 6-10

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony

      On Friday we celebrated the opening of the Rugby World Cup with our own ceremony at school.  All the classes were given a country to  represent.  We were given Namibia.
Namibia is a country in Africa.  We looked at some photos of Namibia on the internet. Our teacher has been to Namibia. She showed us where it is on the world globe. It is not green like New Zealand but it is still very beautiful. 

   We made a flag for our country and dressed up in the colours of the Namibian flag and rugby team. We made headbands with the Namibian flag on. Some of the children got their face painted in the colours of the Namibian flag. Carlos won a prize for his costume. His Mum made him a teeshirt that looked just like the Namibian flag and she painted his face like the flag too. He looked great.  We had a really good time at the opening ceremony.


Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony Photos

Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony on PhotoPeach

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Air to Live

Last week the Life Education Caravan came to school. The Life Education lady brought Harold the Giraffe along to help teach us about how we need air to live and about how we breathe.

We learned we need air to live.  Our body needs air, food and water to make energy. Our body gets oxygen from the air we breathe.  We breathe in oxygen to our lungs. Then our blood carries the oxygen and food around our body to where the energy is made.

We learned we get oxygen from the air we breathe. We have lungs to breathe with.
We learned fish get oxygen from the water they breathe. Fish do not have lungs. They have gills to breathe with.

We learned that we need clean air to keep healthy. Clean air makes our lungs happy.
Dirty air makes lungs sad and can make us sick. We learned about things that make air dirty, like smoke. When air is dirty we call that air pollution. Air pollution is bad for us to breathe. It is unhealthy.

We all got an activity book to take home so the grown-ups at home can help us learn more about Air to Live.

Check out the website for more ideas and learning from the Life Education team.

Life Education on PhotoPeach

Friday, September 2, 2011

Swimming Lessons

This term we are having swimming lessons once a week with Fulton's Swim School at Patumahoe School  Pools.  Rooms 3 and 4 swim with us too. We work in groups and each group has it's own instructor. We are learning lots and you can tell from the photos that we are having fun learning to swim.

Swimming Lessons on PhotoPeach

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cross country Day

This week we had our cross country Day at school. We ran around the field and raced to the finish line.

Cross country Day on PhotoPeach

Words we have been learning in Weeks 1 - 5

These are the words of the week we have been doing in weeks 1 to 5 of this term. Please keep practising reading and writing them at home so you can know them all off by heart.

Wordle: basic words wk 1-5

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tennis Lesson 1

We are having some special tennis lessons at school. Here are some photos of our first tennis lesson. We had a lot of fun.

Tennis Lesson 1 on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beautiful aquarium fish at Kelly Tarlton's

Look at the beautiful colours and patterns on these aquarium fish.
Beautiful aquarium fish at Kelly Tarlton's on PhotoPeach

Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic Adventure

At Kelly Tarlton's we went on the Antarctic Adventure ride to see the penguins. It was so good that some people went through twice!
After we saw the penguins, we saw  the killer whale catching a seal. It looked real but it's a fake. Blake's Dad worked on making the Killer Whale. We think he did a great job because it looks like a real whale and seal. Isn't he clever?

Click on the arrow on the picture below to join us on our Antarctic Adventure.  Enjoy the ride!

Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic Adventure on PhotoPeach

Monday, August 22, 2011

Amazing sea creatures at Kelly Tarlton's

Amazing Sea creatures at Kelly Tarlton's on PhotoPeach

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kelly Tarlton's Trip

Kelly Tarlton's on PhotoPeach

Monday, August 15, 2011

Police Dogs

Police Dog Visit on PhotoPeach

Snow in Waiuku!

Snow at School!

Today an amazing thing happened at school. Snow!
We looked out the glass door and saw snowflakes floating down from the sky into our playground.

It was amazing because we don’t get snow in Waiuku and most of the class have never ever seen real snow.
It looked beautiful.
We went outside to feel it.
It was falling on our hair and on our raincoats and clothes.
We tried to catch some but it melted on our hands.
It didn’t last for long.

When we came inside it was all gone and we had some snowflakes melting on our clothes.

We had so much fun seeing real snow.  It was awesome!

Our teacher tried to take a photo of us out in the snow. It didn't work very well because the snow was moving so it just looks like rain in the picture.Then the snow stopped and we didn't get another chance for a better photo.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Book Character Parade

Book Week on PhotoPeach

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Doggy Do's and Don'ts

This week a lady came to talk to us and teach us how to keep safe around dogs.

Dog Do's and Don'ts


 We learned:

If a dog comes up to you :

-Don't run away
-Don't yell or scream
-Don't stare at the dog
-Don't turn your back on the dog
- Do stand still

Don't go into someone's place if there is a dog you don't know.
Don't tease dogs.

Don't go near a dog that is eating .

                                        Don't go near a dog that has puppies.

Do ask the owner before you pat a dog.
Do let the dog sniff you before you pat them.

Do keep your dog on a leash.
Do look after your dog if you have one.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Flower Power

Look at the beautiful marigolds in Room 1's  garden.

When we were on holiday our marigold plants grew buds and now the flowers have opened up. They look beautiful.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Speech Finalists

This week some of the Juniors participated in the Waiuku Primary School Speech Night by sharing their poems on stage. Shaelah and Ryleigh were the two finalists for our class. They were very brave to get up on stage in front of so many people. They did an awesome job.
We got them to do it again for us in class today so we could film them and show everyone on our blog how good they were.

Shaelah  reciting 'Doctor Foster went to Gloucester

                                                       'Ryleigh reciting 'Mr Wind'
ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Thursday, July 14, 2011

School is Cool

Room One entered a video clip we made into the national School is Cool competition. We brainstormed all the things we think are cool about school and learning. Then we chose some of these ideas and wrote them on balloons to share with others. We practised saying them and then filmed it with the digital camera. It took a lot of practice but we did it! Here is the video clip we sent into the competition. We hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

100 Days of School

Celebrating 100 Days of School!

We have been counting up the days since school started this year in our class and last week we reached 100 days.
We celebrated 100 days of school and learning with lots of fun activities and challenges.
We blew up balloons and wrote messages on them about 100 days of learning at school. We counted and sorted objects in Maths into groups of 10 and then joined 10 of these groups together to make 100. We wrote 100 words. We counted to 100 in different ways. We worked on making a paper chain with 100 links. Our class read 100 books in one day. Wow!
We even had a delicious chocolate cake baked by one of the Mums. Yum!
It was a lot of fun to celebrate 100 days of learning.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Waiuku Schools' Science Fair

Room One’s Winning Science Fair Display - Where The Wind Blows Strong.

Some of the Room One students proudly viewing their science fair entry which won 1st place in the Years 0-2 Science Technology section at the Science Fair last week.
Our science investigation was to find where the wind blew strongest in the playground. We used an anemometer for our tests and also designed our own wind strength tester using a flag stick we made. We found it was windiest on the top of the hills especially on the hill up by George Street.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Global Wind Day -

On June 15th it was Global Wind Day. We made pinwheels and went around the school to see where the windy spots were that day. They spun really fast when we were on the hill.
We found we could put the brakes on our pinwheels by turning them away from the wind and we could make them turn faster by facing into the wind. We decided they were good for showing where the was wind blowing and which direction the wind was coming from.
It was a lot of fun.

Friday, June 10, 2011


We started this term in Autumn. We could see the leaves on the old oak tree outside our window and the trees on the field changing colour and falling off the trees ready for winter. We went out on an Autumn walk to look at the leaves. We collected some to make colourful Autumn leaf art. We used waxy crayons to make our rubbings. We used Autumn colours like orange, yellow, red, brown and even some green to make colourful Autumn leaves.
We worked with a buddy. Our buddy held the paper still to stop it moving while we did the rubbing so the leaf rubbing would not get blurry. Then we swopped over. When we finished we cut the leaf rubbings out and made Autumn leaf pictures.

Autumn leaves on PhotoPeach

Friday, May 13, 2011

J for Jelly

We have been learning about the letter Jj.
We made some jelly and tried to see if we could make it jiggle.
J is for jiggling jelly.

To make our jelly we used a packet of strawberry jelly and boiling water. We put some grapes in our jelly too.

We needed bowls to mix the jelly, a spoon to stir the jelly, a kettle to boil the water and a plate to sit it on when it was set.
We used the fridge to help the jelly cool down so it would set in time for us to jiggle it and eat it before hometime.

When we put the grapes in we put in 2 grapes for everyone so we could do fair shares.
We put half the grapes in at the beginning.
They sank to the bottom.
We put the other half in after it had been in the fridge and was starting to set.
They floated near the top.

We all had some to eat before we went home.

The children said "it's fun', "it's yum", "it's slippery", 'it's pretty', "it's jiggly'.

We all liked making jiggly jelly and we all liked eating it.
Making jiggly jelly on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ruben the Safety Bear

Ruben the Safety Bear came to our school to teach us how to keep safe on the road.

Here are some of the safety rules we learned.

Be bright, dress bright!
Seat yourself right, buckle in tight!
Look out for sneaky driveways!
Stop, look, listen and link - hold hands with a grown-up.
Look about before stepping out
Helmet on right and tight if you ride a bike

It was fun learning to be safe and singing safety songs with Ruben.

You can visit Rubens website at for more safety tips, games and activities.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ANZAC Poppy Maths

When we made our poppy wreath for our ANZAC service we did some Maths counting and sorting with our poppies.

We all made a black and red poppy for the wreath. There were 16 children so we made 16 poppies.
We sorted our poppies into 2 groups so we could put some poppies on the front of our wreath and some on the back.
We made our 2 groups the same size so we could put the same number on the front and back.
We had 8 for the front and 8 for the back.
8 and 8 is 16

Then for fun we grouped them a different way. We put them into 4 groups. There were 4 poppies in each group.
We found out that 4 and 4 and 4 and 4 is 16

We had some extra small white poppies on paper. We counted all the little poppies on the white paper. There are 100. Wow! That's a big number.

We looked at our 100's board. There are 100 numbers on the 100 board.

We looked at our poppies. There are 100 white poppies on our paper.

We counted them together by 1's and by 2's and by 10's to get to 100. Our teacher helped us.
We had fun doing maths with our poppies.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ANZAC Assembly

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pink Shirt Day

Today is Pimk Shirt Day.  Pink Shirt Day started in a school in Canada.
It was established in countries worldwide to raise awareness and help stop bullying in schools. By wearing a Pink Shirt on the 14th of April, we  show our support against bullying where we live, work and play.

We had a Pink Shirt Day at school to show our support of the Anti-bullying message. Lots of children and teachers wore pink to show that we think bullying is not OK and we do not want bullies in our school.

Create your own video slideshow at

Get Firewise Presentation.

This term we have been learning how to keep safe. One of the things we learned about was how to be firewise. It is really important to know this so if there is a fire you know how to be safe and stay alive.

Get Firewise on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Room One's Garden

This term we have started a garden by the class deck. It's exciting to have a place of our own to grow things.
First we got Mr Boase to make a little garden bed and put some compost in for the garden.
Then we planted the tomato seedling we had found growing in the playground at the start of the year. We had been looking after it in a pot in our classroom until it got too big.
We found lots of kikuyu grass under the compost and tried to get it all out so it wouldn't spoil our garden. It was too hard for us to do by ourself so we asked David to help dig it out for us.
The next week we planted some calendula plants. They all died, so last week we tried again and planted some more. We found lots of worms in the soil and a caterpillar on our tomato. We like worms!
Our tomato plant is looking good. It liked all the sun and rain. We picked two ripe tomatoes and cut them up to share. They tasted yummy.

Create your own video slideshow at

Friday, April 8, 2011

School safety checks

Our caretaker, Mr Boase, helps keep us safe at school by checking all the electrical appliances. We watched him do the safety checks in our room. He puts stickers on the cords if they pass the test to tell us that they are safe. If they are not safe he takes them away.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Basic sight word wordles

Here are some of the basic sight words we have been reading and writing this term. We have put them on a wordle. See how many you can read at home.
Maybe you can get a big person at home to write them onto cardboard so you can keep practising them at home.

Parents: You can use them for flashcards or you can play word games with your child to help your child recognise and remember these words. If you make 2 sets of the words on cardboard you could play games like memory, matching pairs, snap, fish to help make the learning fun.
Have fun!

Wordle: basic words 1

Wordle: basic words 2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

St John's lesson

This week we went to listen to the Saint John's lady talk about what to do in an emergency.
Our teacher has been learning how to make talking photos and we have used a programme called fotobabble to share our learning with you. If you click on the arrow below the photo you will hear us share our learning.

Parents: Could you please help your child learn their name, address and phone number in case they ever need it for an emergency. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

St John's message

Yesterday we went to see the presentation by the St John's lady. We learned what to do if there is an emergency. We practised using the phone to dial 1 1 1 and practised what to say on the phone.
Now we all need to learn our name,address and phone number in case there is an emergency at home and we have to phone for help.
Can you help teach us this at home so we can all do it? Thank you.

This is the St John's character we saw. Our teacher took a photo and we used Blabberize on it to share the safety message with you.

Blabberize Poems

We have just discovered a new cool tool to use on our computer to make talking pictures. It is called Blabberize. Today our teacher use Blabberize for the poems we learned. It was a lot of fun. Here are some of the children's talking photos from our class.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Basic Sight Words - List 1

In Room One we are learning to read letters and words. I have made this slideshow of our first list of basic sight words so the children can learn to recognise them and practise reading them at home. This list of words is also glued into their reading logs for home practice.

Tips for viewing: Click on 'My Word List - One Slide Show' to view. Choose the viewing option you want from the bar below the slide. There are 3 viewing options - scroll / book / slide show. The book option is pretty neat because you can turn the pages like a book by clicking on the basic words. If you click on the little tile symbol on the bottom bar you can see all the words displayed on one screen. Have fun trying different ways of viewing and practising the words at home.

My Word List - One Slide Show

Friday, March 4, 2011

Beach Safety Day

On Friday we went to the beach to learn about beach safety with Rooms 3 & 4 and Miss R. It was a lot of fun.

We learned to swim between the flags.
We learned to put up one hand if we get in trouble in the water and need help.
We learned what things could be used to help keep you afloat and pull you to safety.
We learned how to put on a life jacket and how to make sure it is the right size to be safe.

We had some fun games and relays with the safety gear. Then we had a picnic lunch.
Beach Relays and Games on PhotoPeach
We were supposed to have a swim and try out our water safety skills in the water but it started to get cold and rain so we had to go back to school without our swim.

Red and Black Day

On Friday 4th it was National Red and Black Day. Lots of people dressed up in red and black to show their support for Christchurch. Here are some of our staff who wore red and black for the day. They are the Principal - Ms Joplin, caretaker - Mr Boase and BOT chairperson - Mrs Merchant.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


On Thursday we went to PE with Rooms 3 and 4. We got to do all sorts of things with the PE gear in the hall. We had to crawl under things, leap over things, run, jump and balance. It was heaps of fun. We love going to PE with Miss R.

Dr Suess

On Wednesday, March 2, we celebrated Dr Suess's birthday. Dr Suess was a famous children's author/illustrator of over 40 imaginative children's books. He lived from March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991. If he was still alive he would be 107 years old now!
We looked at some of his books in our class, watched a video reading of the Cat in The Hat story and visited the Seussville site on the internet. It's a fun site to visit. You can play games and see lots more about Dr.Suess and his books on the site