Friday, May 13, 2011

J for Jelly

We have been learning about the letter Jj.
We made some jelly and tried to see if we could make it jiggle.
J is for jiggling jelly.

To make our jelly we used a packet of strawberry jelly and boiling water. We put some grapes in our jelly too.

We needed bowls to mix the jelly, a spoon to stir the jelly, a kettle to boil the water and a plate to sit it on when it was set.
We used the fridge to help the jelly cool down so it would set in time for us to jiggle it and eat it before hometime.

When we put the grapes in we put in 2 grapes for everyone so we could do fair shares.
We put half the grapes in at the beginning.
They sank to the bottom.
We put the other half in after it had been in the fridge and was starting to set.
They floated near the top.

We all had some to eat before we went home.

The children said "it's fun', "it's yum", "it's slippery", 'it's pretty', "it's jiggly'.

We all liked making jiggly jelly and we all liked eating it.
Making jiggly jelly on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ruben the Safety Bear

Ruben the Safety Bear came to our school to teach us how to keep safe on the road.

Here are some of the safety rules we learned.

Be bright, dress bright!
Seat yourself right, buckle in tight!
Look out for sneaky driveways!
Stop, look, listen and link - hold hands with a grown-up.
Look about before stepping out
Helmet on right and tight if you ride a bike

It was fun learning to be safe and singing safety songs with Ruben.

You can visit Rubens website at for more safety tips, games and activities.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ANZAC Poppy Maths

When we made our poppy wreath for our ANZAC service we did some Maths counting and sorting with our poppies.

We all made a black and red poppy for the wreath. There were 16 children so we made 16 poppies.
We sorted our poppies into 2 groups so we could put some poppies on the front of our wreath and some on the back.
We made our 2 groups the same size so we could put the same number on the front and back.
We had 8 for the front and 8 for the back.
8 and 8 is 16

Then for fun we grouped them a different way. We put them into 4 groups. There were 4 poppies in each group.
We found out that 4 and 4 and 4 and 4 is 16

We had some extra small white poppies on paper. We counted all the little poppies on the white paper. There are 100. Wow! That's a big number.

We looked at our 100's board. There are 100 numbers on the 100 board.

We looked at our poppies. There are 100 white poppies on our paper.

We counted them together by 1's and by 2's and by 10's to get to 100. Our teacher helped us.
We had fun doing maths with our poppies.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ANZAC Assembly