Friday, July 15, 2011

Speech Finalists

This week some of the Juniors participated in the Waiuku Primary School Speech Night by sharing their poems on stage. Shaelah and Ryleigh were the two finalists for our class. They were very brave to get up on stage in front of so many people. They did an awesome job.
We got them to do it again for us in class today so we could film them and show everyone on our blog how good they were.

Shaelah  reciting 'Doctor Foster went to Gloucester

                                                       'Ryleigh reciting 'Mr Wind'
ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Thursday, July 14, 2011

School is Cool

Room One entered a video clip we made into the national School is Cool competition. We brainstormed all the things we think are cool about school and learning. Then we chose some of these ideas and wrote them on balloons to share with others. We practised saying them and then filmed it with the digital camera. It took a lot of practice but we did it! Here is the video clip we sent into the competition. We hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

100 Days of School

Celebrating 100 Days of School!

We have been counting up the days since school started this year in our class and last week we reached 100 days.
We celebrated 100 days of school and learning with lots of fun activities and challenges.
We blew up balloons and wrote messages on them about 100 days of learning at school. We counted and sorted objects in Maths into groups of 10 and then joined 10 of these groups together to make 100. We wrote 100 words. We counted to 100 in different ways. We worked on making a paper chain with 100 links. Our class read 100 books in one day. Wow!
We even had a delicious chocolate cake baked by one of the Mums. Yum!
It was a lot of fun to celebrate 100 days of learning.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Waiuku Schools' Science Fair

Room One’s Winning Science Fair Display - Where The Wind Blows Strong.

Some of the Room One students proudly viewing their science fair entry which won 1st place in the Years 0-2 Science Technology section at the Science Fair last week.
Our science investigation was to find where the wind blew strongest in the playground. We used an anemometer for our tests and also designed our own wind strength tester using a flag stick we made. We found it was windiest on the top of the hills especially on the hill up by George Street.