Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Global Wind Day -

On June 15th it was Global Wind Day. We made pinwheels and went around the school to see where the windy spots were that day. They spun really fast when we were on the hill.
We found we could put the brakes on our pinwheels by turning them away from the wind and we could make them turn faster by facing into the wind. We decided they were good for showing where the was wind blowing and which direction the wind was coming from.
It was a lot of fun.

Friday, June 10, 2011


We started this term in Autumn. We could see the leaves on the old oak tree outside our window and the trees on the field changing colour and falling off the trees ready for winter. We went out on an Autumn walk to look at the leaves. We collected some to make colourful Autumn leaf art. We used waxy crayons to make our rubbings. We used Autumn colours like orange, yellow, red, brown and even some green to make colourful Autumn leaves.
We worked with a buddy. Our buddy held the paper still to stop it moving while we did the rubbing so the leaf rubbing would not get blurry. Then we swopped over. When we finished we cut the leaf rubbings out and made Autumn leaf pictures.

Autumn leaves on PhotoPeach